G'day gang, bad news I'm afraid.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel the 2021 Eureka Nationals because it has become impossible to organise or book anything with any certainty due to the latest wave of Covid-19 increases, lockdowns and border closures around the country.

That said, the Motel still has plenty of rooms available for the weekend of October 15, 16 and 17 and for those of us who have already had our annual leave approved
we have decided to hold an impromptu Eureka Nationals on the off chance that some of us will still be allowed to get out and about by then. (fingers crossed)

So here's the plan;
We stay at the Comfort Inn & Suites King Avenue 24-26 Princes Hwy Sale Victoria with daytime drives to a few of the local attractions stopping for some cool photo opportunities along the way and having the usual Saturday night shenanigans at a venue if we can or at the Motel followed by the AGM on Sunday morning via an online Zoom meeting so those who are unable to get there can still join in.
It will all have to be a pay-as-you-go affair since we can't presently book anything for certain and all this is assuming that any Covid restrictions on numbers and the like are all adhered to of course.
I'm sorry about this but under the current circumstances we don't really have much choice I'm afraid.

Feel free to contact me anytime if you'd like any further info please.