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 on: Wednesday, 24 August, 2022, 04:16:26 AM 
Started by WebGoat - Last post by Rat Reek
I will be there  Afro Afro

 on: Wednesday, 08 June, 2022, 08:21:26 AM 
Started by WebGoat - Last post by CyCo
AWESOMSAUCE! Count me in.


 on: Tuesday, 31 May, 2022, 12:29:35 PM 
Started by WebGoat - Last post by WebGoat
G'day gang.

The announcement you've all been waiting for is finally here;


Where?  Tweed Heads, NSW

When?  21 - 24 October 2022

Where are we staying?  The Bayswater Tweed Motel

So get your leave in and get yourselves and your Eurekas ready for a terrific weekend of fun and festivities

for life.

 on: Friday, 22 April, 2022, 11:26:15 AM 
Started by CyCo - Last post by The Green Reek
Hi Cyco,
Long time between catch ups.
I thought it was up your way or a bit further.
My bad. I left Gipsland before the meeting as I had a long drive and work the next day.
I'm replacing the Mustang with a hybrid so that will be interesting to see if it can tow that far.
Perhaps the goat whisperer can shed light on the meet.
My project has been on the back burner for a while as I've been rebuilding my Chev V8.

 on: Sunday, 17 April, 2022, 07:39:08 AM 
Started by CyCo - Last post by CyCo
Sooo, any ideas about this years meet....? I've been missing my road trips.

 on: Sunday, 17 April, 2022, 07:35:40 AM 
Started by Wayneh - Last post by CyCo
Hi Wayne. If you add what sort of condition/ percentage complete you are looking after, that may help in your search.

Additionally, check out the clubs Facebook page, it gets more traffic, and also, more cars are found/sold there than here on the forum these days.

Happy Hunting.


 on: Wednesday, 13 April, 2022, 08:34:17 AM 
Started by Wayneh - Last post by Wayneh
Looking for eureka project . Cheers

 on: Tuesday, 25 January, 2022, 01:26:31 AM 
Started by WebGoat - Last post by WebGoat
G'day gang,

It's Australia Day on Wednesday and the Longwarry & District Progress Association has once again invited us to join their celebrations and proudly display our Eurekas.

The fun starts at 11am and goes till 2pm with a free BBQ lunch, tea, coffee, scones, etc, including many competitions and prizes throughout the day and a flag raising ceremony  at 12 noon.  It promises to be a great family fun day and those bringing their cars to display are asked to arrive for set up around 10am.

Mr Sparkles will be there 👍

for life.

 on: Wednesday, 22 December, 2021, 11:26:02 AM 
Started by valour - Last post by JackRussel
This used to have an alloy V8 init, and was registered in Vic. Now in NSW with a 1960 VW motor and NSW rego.
Oh( I can' t see any more. You should at least leave a picture...

 on: Wednesday, 22 December, 2021, 11:18:05 AM 
Started by The Green Reek - Last post by JackRussel
Exhaust n bits
Chrissy hols were way too busy to get much car stuff done so sorry for the slow post.
New pics here:
After going to my exhaust guy explaining that the car isn't mobile to bring it to him. He said have you every used donuts?
Pic 1 are all the pieces necessary to make an exhaust system. The round things are donuts. What an awesome idea. Cut an angle you want.
Pic2 and 3 are the exhaust coming together. A tedious job of cutting, placing, tack welding, removing and welding. 1 joint at a time.
Pic 4 is a virtually new muffler I had left over from another Eureka. So waste not - I had to make a sleeve for it though as the inlet was 3mm too small.
5 Finished. Although hard to see as it is all tucked up neatly on the motor.
6 was my rebuilt radiator which is now installed and piped. No leaks!
Test fitting the seats in 7.
As there is practically nowhere to tow or pull this car onto a trailer, pic 8 shows a tow arm and removable eye bolt I made.
This bolts onto the H beam and tucks under the front tub. The eye bolt can be screwed into a hole behind the number place.
I spoke earlier about using a mesh on the front of the ears. 8 is a finished product.
Pic 9 is the interior coming together.
Pic 10 is me finally working up the nerves to drill holes in the side of the car to fit the mirrors.

See ya

Wow, what a lot of work you've done! Your machine can be put up for auction soon Smiley

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