I'll try capture here the build of my car as it goes along.
This is the car as I was loading it up on the trailer the day it was coming home:

The car's running on a 1968 IRS chassis, balljoint front end with discs up front and drums on the rear. It's fitted with an EJ20 running EJ25 heads and Isuzu EJ20 inlet manifold.
After getting it home I started pulling it apart to try work out what bits I need to get. Things that became obvious to begin with was one of the linak lifters needs repairing, the floor needs lowering, new seat rails (as the current ones were rusted and falling apart), engine needs an air filter (and possibly a rebuild since it's been running with NO AIR FILTER - WHO DOES THAT?!?). Front left lower control (A) arm needs replacing and all the shockers need replacing as its currently fitted with the air adjustable suspension (NG for handling). Also the body needs some light fibreglass repairs and a full respray. Also tyres were basically slicks. Handbrake lever was also cracked, plus the position of the gear lever and handbrake really needs to change.
...soooo the shopping and todo list grew:
- fibreglass
- paint, primer etc..
- new suspension
- new exhaust
- air filter
- redo wiring (working at a wiring harness company comes in handy for this one) and put in a nice fuse and relay box
- brace engine/gearbox better
- change rear brakes to discs
- lower floor pans
- new seat rails
- new handbrake lever
- repair roof lifters
- change the headlights to be more modern
- change mirrors to electric
- change rear taillights to be more modern
- change radio antenna to one that doesn't deform under a car cover
- change front hubs to 5-stud
- change the rims and tyres to something more modern and cleaner
- strip and retrim the interior
- reshape the dash
- create a centre console
- change the seatbelts to retractable
- replace side perspex windows
- replace front perspex headlight covers
- change boot and bonnet release to be in-car accessible
- change fuel filler cap and neck to be integrated into the body
- change the side indicators to something more modern.
- waterpump was rusted and ceased
- missing thermostat
- timing belt tensioners are not far off ceasing
.... and anything else that comes up as I go along.
Since I'm still finishing off construction of the shed and still have to finish painting parts of the outside of the house for now I'll focus on keeping an eye out for bits and pieces for the build (which'll mean I can progress it quite quickly once I have the time to really get stuck into it).
I'll keep this post updated - first step: Acquiring parts.