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Author Topic: state mini meet  (Read 56022 times)
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« Reply #30 on: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009, 11:39:38 PM »

Hey guys I don't have my reek going yet Sad but i'm up for a get together & have a chat so count me in Smiley Look forward to it Rod

Always a work in progress
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« Reply #31 on: Thursday, 15 October, 2009, 04:13:30 PM »

I am in Chapel Hill (unless your from the tax office, then I am in the Cayman Islands) the 15th of NOV is locked in.

Rod you are absolutely more than welcome....the more the merrier....and so is anyone else in the BNE area reading this post.

I suggest we first decide where we want to go, I am happy with anything Sth of Noosa, Nth of Coolangatta and east of Toowoomba. A good format that worked well with the boys and girls in SA was meet at a predetermined place a servo or carpark or whatever, then drive (about an hour is good or two hours with a stop) to a destination for lunch (country pub or similar) then a drive back often a different route to the one used in the morning but not always.

So put your thinking caps on chaps!!! Grin

« Reply #32 on: Friday, 16 October, 2009, 12:20:15 AM »

I am in Chapel Hill (unless your from the tax office, then I am in the Cayman Islands) the 15th of NOV is locked in. I knew that!  Just testing. Embarrassed

Rod you are absolutely more than welcome....the more the merrier....and so is anyone else in the BNE area reading this post. +1.  You don't have to show us your Reek on the road to prove your crazy.  It'll be great to meet up with you Rod.

I suggest we first decide where we want to go, I am happy with anything Sth of Noosa, Nth of Coolangatta and east of Toowoomba. A good format that worked well with the boys and girls in SA was meet at a predetermined place a servo or carpark or whatever, then drive (about an hour is good or two hours with a stop) to a destination for lunch (country pub or similar) then a drive back often a different route to the one used in the morning but not always. If we can post up "area" we're coming from we can pick a generally central meeting place.  I'm catching up with our Gympie "Eureka Crazy" Tongue on the way back from Rockhampton on Saturday night.  We're having a Queensland State Mini Mini Meet.  So I'll see if he wants in.

So put your thinking caps on chaps!!! GrinHats are on!!!

« Reply #33 on: Friday, 16 October, 2009, 04:46:48 AM »

another event calendar to checkout for you guys an the rest of oz... Cool
« Reply #34 on: Wednesday, 21 October, 2009, 09:08:27 PM »

Date:   15th of November Sunday (but also leaving Saturday the 14th available if it suits)

Location:   Bribie Island

Southerners meet at the double BP's on the Bruce just North of Brisbane at a reasonable time.

You Northerners meet at a place to be decided.

These are just some suggestions from Shonko and me.  Trying for Saturday as it may suit others who couldn't come along on the Sunday (Ted check your calender) but it won't suit some (Shonko check Shonko1.1 sports fixtures for a bye on that weekend).

Dean Grin
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« Reply #35 on: Friday, 30 October, 2009, 03:09:00 PM »

Fellow Qlders -

Look forward to meeting you soon.

My reeks not going to be on the road for a while yet, but I'm more than happy to mini-meet on 15 Nov.
Meeting at the BPs on Bruce  & toddling to Bribie's ok by me if you don't mind a Hilux for a camera car.

I think Shonko was hanging around Mildura for most of this week, so might be a day or so before our Qld Coordinator can coordinate.


« Reply #36 on: Friday, 30 October, 2009, 09:58:52 PM »

Welcome Maxx,

Would love to see you there.  Great to have you on board.

That's what we need, a dedicated photographer free of charge (jk).

I like the way you have volenteered Shonko as our supreem leader Grin (another jk).

We (our family of 6) are planning on camping on or near Bribie Island on the Saturday and Sunday and use it as a base camp for the mini-meet.  Shonko said a common meeting place like the BP's may suit most people so hope thats okay.

I have never done a meet before so I'll let others suggest what we get up to on the day.

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« Reply #37 on: Saturday, 31 October, 2009, 04:09:26 AM »

Hello My Northern Bretheren........( or some bull...t like that.)

I arrived home at 10.45am this morning after a much less eventful trip home (thank god). Looking forward to catching up with you guys on Sat/Sun, which ever you can make.

Gunna, I am thinking of camping on Bribie on Saturday too, with my 12yo son Zak.......where are you staying? Are there cabins?

I will do a bit of research on the area and get back to you all with a suggested itinarary ASAP. Just catching up on the gosssip first Grin

one very very tired Shonko....... Tongue
« Reply #38 on: Saturday, 31 October, 2009, 04:20:26 AM »

dabnabit wish i could be in the camera car. Cool

great to hear you made it home shonko with no more hiccups ....
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« Reply #39 on: Saturday, 31 October, 2009, 07:40:23 AM »

I have started a seperate "Bribie Island" topic...........
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