« on: Sunday, 15 May, 2011, 07:14:33 AM » |
Thanks to the guys who have rang asking about "going for a spin" has been a challenge to find the time lately with Easter and Anzac Day etc..............but now looks like as good a time as any. Weather has been perfect lately, so lets get together and see what we have been up to lately.
I know Ted has been playing with his lights, and Jackie Chan (Tom) has been doing some work on his car too....and I am sure there is a lot going on that I haven't heard about.
Saturday 28 May THE PLAN
Meet at the truck stop on the begining of the Warrago Highway just before Ipswich @ 9am
Drive north west out through Wivenhoe Dam, scenic drive to Ettamogah Pub, just off the Bruce Highway before the Sunshine Coast.
Stop at Ettamogah Pub for lunch
Head home from there when we are done
So, if you have an interest in Purvis Eurekas, join us for the drive or meet us at the Ettamogah Pub for a chat. It would be great to catch up with some old faces and/or meet some new ones..........EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!
Let us know if you are planning to come with a post on this thread, thank you. Hope to see you there.
« Reply #1 on: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 09:32:43 PM » |
......ok we have 2 starters for the drive and Tom. Ted is meeting us at Ettamogah around 11.30am.
If anyone else is thinking of coming along, let us know so we can look out for you or you can simply 'rock up' on the day.
See you there. Shaun
« Reply #2 on: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 09:34:12 PM » |
..........forgot to mention Phil and Tim are an apology for this event, due to Phil moving house. (must need a bigger shed........  )
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« Reply #3 on: Thursday, 26 May, 2011, 11:35:27 AM » |
Yes Tom and Toni will be there. Bruce lee
« Reply #4 on: Friday, 27 May, 2011, 11:50:22 PM » |
Just a reminder for anyone thinking they may join us tomorrow. 23 degrees, a b-e-a-utiful day for a drive (just ignore that bit about a shower of two)  Tom see you at 9am at the truck stop. Ted & Yvonne, see you at the pub around 11.30am............I have your mobile if anything should happen. Eureka's......what could possibly happen?! 
Iama Ardfark
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, 28 May, 2011, 08:27:18 AM » |
Sorry we can't make it for the drive, but moving house is such a fun event  And yes the new place has a monster shed....3 cars in it look very lost. Shed can easily hold 10 cars, so I guess I now have a good size workshop as well. Place is on 2 hectares, so no shortage of track as well. Be really good for testing the new engine / auto transmission set up. Got to love it. Phil & Kim
Wadya mean I CAN'T work on the Reek today ??
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« Reply #6 on: Sunday, 29 May, 2011, 01:47:39 PM » |
hey all hope phil had a smooth move... gotta love that shed ...can't wait to see it and oh yea the new home! we had a great drive to aussie world. and the pub( can't spell the name we waited and waited and then ...yippee we saw the 'reeks! they made a great show... lots of people taking pics and asking questions... situation normal! i was going to give it a miss (got a ferking sore back atm) but glad i went... next meet hope to see a few more !!!!
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« Reply #7 on: Monday, 30 May, 2011, 07:28:22 AM » |
I took Shaun and I around the scenic route from Ipswich, he really enjoyed the drive, till I took the wrong turn onto a dirt road, I couldn't see him in my rear vision mirror. eventually we got back to the main road, I took the wrong turn again, he stopped and told me from now on I will lead. after that only took us about 10 min to get to Ettamugah pub, about two hours overdue. All up we had a four hour drive, On the way home only took us two hours. So I don't think Shaun will let me lead again. We did have fun, and a good time it was a beautiful drive. Bruce lee
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, 31 May, 2011, 11:19:24 PM » |
Well it certainly was an adventure.........thank you Tom.
Kveta was tagging along in the Commodore and even she knew we were lost. Not when we hit the dirt road, but when she had to give way to a heard of cows!!!!!! (seriously.......a heard of cows!)
Anywho, as Tom said after our 45min detour to end up at the original turn off, with a car full of dust, we were back on the right road. We weren't on the right road for long when Tom took another turn off........not this time! I will take the lead from here.
But in all seriousness, thank you Tom and Toni for planning the route (well most of it), up to Kilcoy was a beautiful drive and thank you Ted and Yvonne for waiting for us it was great to see you guys again.
Hope the move went well Phil (and Tim) and look forward to seeing you at the next event.
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Posts: 14
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, 01 June, 2011, 09:50:44 AM » |
Tom said he wasn't lost he was hoping Kveta would stop and milk the cows. Fresh milk. (the whole herd)
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, 04 June, 2011, 07:54:08 AM » |
Tom. I thought you wanted to change your name from Bruce Lee to Jackie Chan  We will turn a blind eye just this once Tom so from now on you will be known as JACKIE CHAN you better make it to Mildura so we can see your moves and dont forget its fancy dress on Saturday night so you can come as JACKIE CHAN  look after yourself regards james
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Posts: 165
« Reply #11 on: Sunday, 05 June, 2011, 01:44:41 AM » |
So will we see James. Mc, QUEEN out in the open  ?. 
« Reply #12 on: Sunday, 05 June, 2011, 01:52:55 AM » |
So D4 welcome how about a little info for everyone I  am always in the open but not as who you said  regards james
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Posts: 165
« Reply #13 on: Sunday, 05 June, 2011, 01:59:23 AM » |
Have you got that pool table up that hill yet? working on the 18th May may see you 25 or 26th 
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, 05 June, 2011, 02:14:01 AM » |
 Lucky for you DAVID its a family site and yes to that question