So the plan is to leave Drouin at roughly 6:45am to get to the Kilmore Racing club by 9:00 o'clock which should give us plenty of time to get sorted before the public comes in at 10:00. If anyone has any other suggestions I'm all ears.

We should get to the usual Stud Road or Springvale Road pickup points at around 7:30 and 7:35 if anyone from around that way is looking to join us then I reckon we should get to the Shell servo/Hungry Jacks at Donnybrook Road on the Hume Freeway by around 8:30 to meet up with Radek and Colin and others from around that way.
The weather is forecast to be good so here's for hoping for a great day out Reekin.

0418 307 973 if you need any further info.