Thanks Phil for that info re cost of these screens at todays cost.
With that in mind as has been stated we dont want a bidding war between members

( except at Bathurst in the auctions )

Allan only produced approx 60 SPORTS so the screens are not that much of demand.
Orginally this mould was made to produce screens for a member to sell screens to other who had SPORTS,
he needed 10 orders before the windscreen manufacturer would begin to make them so even from the start it was going to be an expensive way off doing it.
So even with the mould today I would guess that the manufacturer would require approx the same numbers of windscreens ordered before they would make them again.
With that in thought they would cost to make $$$ anyones guess until we had the numbers to order
but from memory when this was first done they were more than twice the price of what Phil has put up on the website today.
So please consider that before thinking this is the best option as the club cannot make just one screen at a time for you and we would not make up 10 screens just to have them lying around when they can be purchased for less than $300 today from a windscreen manufacturer.
That being said goodluck to who ever gets them and yes we would love to get the mould from the purchaser if possible for the future use of the members if possible.