You should have seen "ALL" the Eureka's!!!! ONE H.....U......N.......D......RED ................. Well Errr not the HUND, but we got the "RED" right! Sittin right along side were "ALL" the Gynormous turnout of Nissan 300ZX's (Z32's), Yeh a Single "ONE" and that was mine too!
So out of about 2500 show vehicles that showed up for the day, I represented two clubs - ECCA and
It was quite a good day, overcast most of the day and nice and cool, with a few very light showers. The Victorian fires, seemed to keep some of the crowds away, although you wouldn't know the fires were only about a half hour away from hanging rock. There was no smoke to be seen or even smelt?
Great to see the SA guys make the effort of travelling all the way over to Vic for this event, as well as catching up with all those they could fit into their tight schedule. Great effort

A great day out!