Title: PICS : HOW & WHERE TO POST Post by: Philinsa on Thursday, 25 December, 2008, 02:35:12 PM So that we won't generate huge costs in maintaining a huge Website with lots of pics, (there are quite a few on the site already), we have created an account on "PHOTOBUCKET" for you to view and post your pics.
Go here ... http://s480.photobucket.com/albums/rr166/eurekacarclub/ ...... It would be a good idea to put it in your "Favourites" "YOU WILL NEED TO LOGIN" Username; eurekacarclub Password; eureka You need to browse the site using the "ALBUMS" listed on the left of the page. There are some already posted, EVENTS & MEMBER RIDES If you would like to post your "RIDE", (for example) 1. go to the "MEMBER RIDES" album, then 2. create another Album (within it) and give it a name, then, 3. post your pics to your Album. Once you have posted your pics, 4. dont forget to "Save, 5. go to Your Album to view them. 6. Then if you wish to advertise them, copy the "url" to your album & post it here so we can all have a look. you will find the url by putting you cursor over the Album or pic, highlight it, right click & copy (the code) Similarly, with an event, go to the Event Album and follow from step 2 above. Please be carefull with what you do, as it is a public site. If it is abused, chances are it will be removed, or modified to private You can still post pics here in your messages, but they are restricted in size and we are restricted in the amount of pace available. Remember, the PECCA members are paying for this site. Thanks Title: Re: PICS : HOW & WHERE TO POST Post by: vonkje on Wednesday, 28 January, 2009, 10:50:49 AM god, that sounds ever so complicated :'(...i'll have to tackle that when i've got lots of time 8) vonkje