The Purvis Eureka Forum

General Category => GENERAL DISCUSSIONS => Topic started by: CyCo on Sunday, 15 May, 2011, 10:56:27 AM

Title: Hope it doesn't go to his head...
Post by: CyCo on Sunday, 15 May, 2011, 10:56:27 AM
When the fibreglass hauls ass (


Title: Re: Hope it doesn't go to his head...
Post by: The Green Reek on Monday, 16 May, 2011, 04:31:09 AM
Reckon I've seen that car before! ;D

Awsome Cyco thanks.
Don't even remember talking to this guy.
How do you find this stuff!

Title: Re: Hope it doesn't go to his head...
Post by: CyCo on Monday, 16 May, 2011, 07:44:03 AM
I regularly trawl the net looking for things 'reek. Most of the time I don't find anything new, or it's some other car forum where they're spouting about the dangers of kit cars or how the eureka is a PoS. Sometimes I find something new, like the bit about your car. Usually I'm hoping that someone out there, who may no nothing of the club, has started a rebuild, or even has got a 'reek on the road, and either has made up a post about it on some other forum, or has posted about it in his blog.