The Purvis Eureka Forum

General Category => GENERAL DISCUSSIONS => Topic started by: Agroeureka on Thursday, 02 June, 2011, 11:08:13 AM

Title: Why is a Eureka better than all other cars
Post by: Agroeureka on Thursday, 02 June, 2011, 11:08:13 AM

16 people on line and no one posting so i though i would start something.

Why is a Eureka better than all other cars because..............................................


Title: Re: Why is a Eureka better than all other cars
Post by: CyCo on Thursday, 02 June, 2011, 11:35:44 AM
...they're different.

Title: Re: Why is a Eureka better than all other cars
Post by: bushboy on Thursday, 02 June, 2011, 11:16:29 PM
I own one

Title: Re: Why is a Eureka better than all other cars
Post by: Toxic-Rock on Saturday, 04 June, 2011, 05:41:20 AM
Men of few words whistle

I wouldn't say they are better than all cars. What I would say is they can be as good as you want them to be and there are no two the same. To me, my car is not just transport, but also a hobby. I have never heard anyone say "That car looks s@#t". Oh and chicks dig them (mine does anyway) ;D


Title: Re: Why is a Eureka better than all other cars
Post by: WYKED1 on Saturday, 04 June, 2011, 07:46:25 AM
That's not the car she digs Glen
she told me your pretty hot  ;D